Chihuahua Re Homing
Chihuahua Re-homing
Re-homing of our Chihuahua mum’s usually happens when they are around 5-7 years of age or could be earlier (fee differs under 5) if they are not suitable for our breeding program but having the dedication and facilities we have they are never rehomed to just anyone as they can stay here for as long we feel the correct person or family are available to offer them the perfect home.
What will it cost me?
The cost to re-home will be a standard price of £750 for over 5’s, unless otherwise stated.
What is the process?
What you need to do is contact us with a little information regarding your family and work situation as well as if you have any other pets.
Can I Re-home more than one of your Chihuahuas?
Yes of course, in fact we would prefer this if you didn’t have any other dogs to keep a single female company.
Can I see pictures of the females you have available?
Although we occasionally take a photo or two this is a question we don’t really want too hear from any potential person wishing to re-home our girls because you must understand that the process is different than buying a puppy. An adult whether being tall, small, fat or thin, black, white, blue or brown should not matter to anyone wishing to offer them a loving home so please do make the effort to arrange an appointment so you can meet the girls in person. Adopting this policy tells me a lot about any potential person looking to re-home.
What would happen if they didn’t settle or I decided I couldn’t cope?
This can happen and has happened so never feel awkward about the situation as the first thing you must do is to bring them back to us so we can either try another re-homer if you wish or just have a partial refund. Most people know that having a dog is a life changing experience, not only for you but the dog also, so things are never guaranteed which is why for the sake of our little ladies and yourself we offer this service.
I have never owned a dog before, could you help me with advice?
Definitely! Knowing we are in touch with you and our girls gives us comfort knowing they are having the best life possible as you are trying to do your best by them. As an owner of one of our Chihuahuas this entitles you to a life time of guidance and help.
Please note no adults will appear on here and will not be for breeding so please do not ask. If any of our re-homers do not settle in your family or have any issues after a couple of weeks then be reassured that we will always have them back.
Please see pictures of our older Chihuahuas that are available for rehoming, click on their image to enlarge picture. If interested please Contact Me here.