Feeding Tips
Dog Food
Many of you should have experienced the joy and enthusiastic reactions your Chihuahua displays when they can see you are just about to give them some of your left over dinner or a piece of meat from your weekly takeaway.
We all feed our dogs dry kibble but some owners will feed only dry food mainly due to the convenience of just having to poor it into a bowl so spare a thought for your little one and get creative with their meal times as a little effort will lighten up their day.
Feeding a top brand dog food is not cheap nowadays but we have done the research for you with what our Chihuahuas love the most. We feed our dogs on Royal Canin Mini Junior 2kg at £19, Royal Canin Mini Adult 8kg £42.

We free feed all of our Chihuahuas here as they are known grazers so they will only eat what they want and are prone to Hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar like most small breed dogs. We do not advise to leave food down constantly for larger breeds, they are more than likely to eat whatever is in the bowl right away. You will then fill their bowl back up and they will eat it all again which creates a never ending cycle and potentially dangerous weight gain which has its own health problems i.e. Joints under more pressure. Using a slow feeder bowl or lick mats are great for mental stimulation.
Along with our dogs main dog food we also give them treats once a week and we always make sure any treats fed are 100% natural or have natural benefits to giving them to our dogs. For example Rabbit Ears are a good natural treat and the fur on them will act as a natural wormer as the fur make the eggs and worms detach and exit naturally. This is great for our mums when they are expecting and can not be given a vet wormer. All of our natural treats we feed our dogs are also available on our store here.